What is the COVID-PR?
The COVID-PR is a research study that focuses on gathering information. We are asking women who were treated for COVID-19 during pregnancy to answer questions about their pregnancies, their health, and their babies’ health. Asking questions and collecting information from pregnant women themselves provides a unique perspective from other studies that rely on doctors or nurses to provide information about their pregnant patients.
The COVID-PR will ask questions about:
- Your background (such as your age and education level)
- Your pregnancy (such as your expected date of delivery, your weight at various time points and medications you are using)
- Your overall health (such as any pre-pregnancy medical conditions or pregnancy-related problems)
- Your experience with COVID-19 during pregnancy, including treatments
- Your current health status
- Your labor and delivery (such as C-section or vaginal birth and length of labor)
- Your baby’s health (such as his or her growth and weight gain)
Researchers will examine the information from COVID-PR participants to identify trends, similarities, and differences and to answer research questions regarding treatments for COVID-19 during pregnancy.
What is a research study?
A research study is a project that aims to learn more about a specific topic, in this case, treatments for COVID-19 during pregnancy.
Many research studies collect information about health, medical care, or medical treatments. There are different types of research studies. COVID-PR is an observational study, meaning that it is only collecting information (observing the participants). Another type of research study — called a clinical trial — tests whether a new drug or other medical treatment safely and effectively improves patient health. COVID-PR is not testing any medical treatments.
What is the COVID-PR trying to learn?
Using data collected directly from pregnant women, the COVID-PR is trying to answer questions about the treatments for COVID-19 during pregnancy. There is not much information available about whether treatments for COVID-19 are safe to the mother when used in pregnancy, on the developing fetus, and on the newborn.
We hope the COVID-PR will provide women and health care providers with the information they need to make informed decisions about treatments for COVID-19 during pregnancy.
What are the benefits of joining the COVID-PR?
By joining the COVID-PR and answering questions like those listed earlier, you can help improve care for other pregnant women with COVID-19 in the future.
By taking part in the COVID-PR, you will be able to see how your pregnancy experiences compare to those of other women in the study, since aggregate results of the Registry will be reported to participants.
You and your baby may not benefit directly from joining the COVID-PR. But giving your health information might help us learn whether treatments for COVID-19 are safe when used during pregnancy to mothers and their babies.
What are the risks of joining the COVID-PR?
There are no known physical risks of taking part in the COVID-PR. But, like any online activity, there is always a risk of loss of privacy. For more details on privacy risks, please see the Consent form (if you have already joined COVID-PR, a copy is saved in the Edit Profile section) or the Privacy Policy.
Who is eligible for the COVID-PR?
The COVID-PR is open to any woman who is 18 years of age or older, currently pregnant or pregnant within the last 30 days, and treated for COVID-19 during pregnancy or within 90 days before pregnancy in a hospital or clinic.
Who is sponsoring the COVID-PR?
The COVID-PR is sponsored by Pregistry, LLC.
Where can I find the list of Partners for this study?
Please check the Partners' page here.
How can I communicate with the study researchers after I register?
Watch an explanatory video here.
What medical records should I share with the research team and how can I submit them?
Watch an explanatory video here.
What side effects or medical conditions should I report?
Watch an explanatory video here.
Where can I find up-to-date information about study enrollment and results?
A report is currently in development and will be available here soon.
Whom should I contact if I have any questions?
If you have any problems or questions about this study, or about your rights as a research participant, or about any research-related issue, contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Diego Wyszynski, at
To be eligible to register in the COVID-PR, you must be:
- 18 years of age or older
- Currently pregnant
- Received at least one dose of treatment for COVID-19 during pregnancy in a hospital or clinic
- Read and understand the online modules, be willing to sign the inform consent and to enter the answers to some basic questions
If you have not been treated for COVID-19 during pregnancy in a hospital or clinic, please do not register.
The COVID-PR will be available in other languages in the near future.
Who will see my information?
Only the Principal Investigator, Clinical Quality Associates, Clinical Research Associates, and the Study Administrator will see your personal information. These individuals are trained to protect patient privacy and keep data secure. The COVID-PR will not share your name, address, and other personal information with anyone else.
In the database, we will replace your name with a code number to hide your identity in the data. Only qualified and approved scientists and researchers will have access to your anonymized data, meaning they will not have access to your name, address, or other personal information that could reveal your identity. They will study the de-identified information from the COVID-PR to look for trends or common issues that many women, or certain groups of women, may experience. For instance, they might discover that 40 out of 100 COVID-PR participants reported having severe muscle pain shortly after the COVID-19 medication. But they won’t know who any of those women are. The COVID-PR may also share anonymized information with other databases, registries, and data repositories. Combining COVID-PR’s data with other sources may help us expand our knowledge about pregnancy and could lead to new study ideas and future treatments.
The COVID-PR follows strict rules to protect your privacy, including relevant federal laws and regulations. Generally, only the COVID-PR Coordinators will know that you are part of the COVID-PR and will have access to your information. However, there are a few exceptions to this situation that are listed in the Consent form (if you have already joined COVID-PR, a copy is saved in the My Profile section). For additional information, please see the Privacy Policy and Disclaimers and Policies documents available through the COVID-PR.
Will you tell anyone that I am taking part in the COVID-PR?
No. The COVID-PR will not reveal to anyone that you, specifically, are part of the project.
How secure is my information?
The COVID-PR will maintain all of the information you provide in a safe, secure computer database that conforms with government security requirements, including the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA, 44 U.S.C. § 3541).
The first step in securing your information is for you to use a password that is difficult for someone to guess and that you do not share with anyone. In addition, if you are accessing COVID-PR using a cell phone or other mobile device, having a passcode on your device will improve security of your data. Although we are using many tools and practices to ensure the security of information saved in the COVID-PR, we cannot guarantee the security of data on your computer or mobile device. We also cannot guarantee the security of data while it is being sent to the COVID-PR database from your computer or mobile device.
What happens to my information when the COVID-PR ends?
After the COVID-PR ends, we will continue to keep the information you provided in a secure database, and your identity will remain protected. Anonymized data—data without participants’ identities or any information that could reveal their identities—from the COVID-PR will continue to be available for researchers to study for many years after the project ends. The COVID-PR anonymized data may be requested by doctors, scientists, and other interested parties who want to do their own research on pregnancy and/or who want figure out how many the COVID-PR participants may be eligible for other research studies.
Who can "sign" the consent form?
Any woman who is pregnant and older than 18 years of age and who can complete the consent form for herself is eligible. Selecting the appropriate prompts in the consent form constitutes an electronic signature of the form and signifies acceptance of the risks and benefits involved in the COVID-PR.
If you have already joined COVID-PR, a copy of your signed Consent form is available in Edit Profile.
What if I change my mind about being in the COVID-PR?
It is your decision to take part in COVID-PR. You can decide to stop participating at any time: just stop entering information. You do not need to provide a reason for stopping your participation.
To withdraw from the COVID-PR, you can send an email to the COVID-PR Coordinators at Please specify in your email whether you want to:
Stop answering COVID-PR questionnaires and stop receiving the COVID-PR email reminders and other messages, or
Remove all of your information from the active database. Please keep in mind that we cannot get back any of your data included in de-identified data that was shared before the COVID-PR received and processed your request for removal.
Can I Register Now?
Yes, you can! Please, click the green button below.